
I am Lisabetta Vilela and I practice complementary therapies, healings and classes since 2001.  I specialise in Shiatsu bodywork, Energy Healings, DNA Activations and run several classes and workshops in personal and spiritual. 

My interests are metaphysics, holistic integrated wellbeing, sourcing ancient knowledge and wisdom from the Mystery teachings, from the natural world and the cycles of earth,  meditations, taichi, qigong and women circles.  My interests and knowledge in all things of health both body, mind and spirit have expanded hugely over the last decade and I am so willing  and happy to share this sacred and deep knowledge with you, with all seekers of truth.

We all have the resources, the energy and the Will to create the life we want and truly desire.  We can be abundant, creative, fulfilled and happy.  We just have forgotten our true essence and therefore are not tapping into this extraordinary energy that can revitalise our world.  The mind is powerful, how are you using your mind?  do you use your mind to envision positive, life enriching visions and thoughts or are you caught in the cycle of the past, unable to get off the hamster wheel?  If you truly desire to know who you are, your essence and create a life of joy, peace and fullfillment from this, please get in touch us.

I provide a safe space and compassionate support for you to explore your healing and return to harmony.

Lisabetta is a registered Shiatsu practitioner with the  Shiatsu Society.org and a registered Healer, Teacher, Guide, and Ceremonial Master in the Mystery lineage teachings.